Chinese Translation of 'Completing Capitalism' Book Launch
Published January 2019
In November, the Chinese translation of Completing Capitalism was released by CITIC Press Group, titled ‘互惠资本主义’. Bruno Roche, who co-authored the book with Jay Jakub, flew out to China on two separate trips to participate in various launch events between October and December. He delivered a keynote speech at a major conference, was interviewed by high profile Chinese media outlets, participated in a televised panel discussion and recorded a ZAOJIU Talk. Other opportunities that Bruno was given to promote his book and the Economics of Mutuality are detailed below.
The Economist Book Launch Event
Bruno spoke about his book and signed copies at an event in Shanghai hosted by Wu Chen, Managing Director at The Economist Global Business Review.
Photos: The Economist
Bloomberg Year Ahead Summit Presentation
Bruno presented Completing Capitalism at a conference in Shanghai organised by Bloomberg. It was convened to look forward to global events in 2019.
Photos: Bloomberg
Speaking Events at Two Chinese Universities
Bruno spoke to professors and students about his book and the Economics of Mutuality at Tsinghua University in Beijing and Jinan University in Guangzhou.
At the main event on November 26th, Bruno was joined by other prominent speakers, including:
Li, Daokui, Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing
Ian Burton, President, China Mars Wrigley Confectionery at Mars
Rebecca Liu, Vice President HR, Mars Chocolate China
Tianyong Zhou, Vice Director of Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C
Teng Tai, author of Soft Value: New Paradigm to Create Wealth in the Quantum Age
Photos: Lynda Chen
Feature on Get It App
The chief editor of the most popular audio app in China spoke about the Economics of Mutuality (in Chinese).
Header photo: Bloomberg