Knowledge Hub Videos and Podcasts


Oxford Economics of Mutuality Virtual Forum 2023

Day 1: The Role of Business Leaders
February 2023

Day 2: The Role of Regulators, Standard Setters, and Investors
February 2023

Day 3: The Role of Government and International Institutions
February 2023

The impact Thinking Book Launch Webinar With Nadia Terfous
September 2023

Putting Corporate Purpose into Action AVPN Webinar With Nadia Terfous
March 2023

Gavin Long and Jay Jakub Introduce EoM at CEO Summit
October 2022

Sciences Po School of Management and Impact Inaugural Lecture With Bruno Roche
September 2022

S&P Global ESG Insider Podcast About the Economics of Mutuality With Bruno Roche
May 2022

A Call for Courageous Leadership: Economics of Mutuality Forum in Rotterdam
November 2021

Landing the Leadership Commitment With Hubert Joly and Nadia Terfous
November 2021

Finance for Prosperities Session hosted by EoM team at Building Bridges Geneva
November 2021

More With Less From the Planet Webinar With Bruno Roche and Francesco Cordaro
June 2021

Purpose into Practice Conscious Capitalism Webinar With Jay Jakub and Nadia Terfous
May 2021

Beyond ESG: Measuring Corporate Purpose Webinar With Bruno Roche
March 2021

John D. Gerhart Center Webinar About the Economics of Mutuality With Bruno Roche
November 2020

IMD Webinar About the Economics of Mutuality With Bruno Roche
September 2020

Stakeholder Capitalism Podcast About the Economics of Mutuality With Jay Jakub
September 2020

The Motley Fool Podcast About the Economics of Mutuality With Jay Jakub
August 2020

Jay Jakub Economics of Mutuality Keynote at Conscious Capitalism CEO Summit
January 2020


Oxford Economics of Mutuality Virtual Forum 2021

Day 1: The Future of Leadership
November 2021

Day 2: The Future of Performance Measurement
December 2021

Day 3: The Future of Investment
December 2021

Putting Purpose into Practice Webinar Series 2021

Putting Purpose into Practice
March 2021

Enacting Purpose in Organizations
March 2021

Measuring Purpose
March 2021

Power of Investment to Achieve Purpose
April 2021

Education and the Economics of Mutuality
April 2021

Corporate Purpose as New Investment Model
April 2021

Leading Purposeful Business
May 2021

Roots of the Economics of Mutuality at Mars
November 2021


Oxford Economics of Mutuality Virtual Forum 2020

Day 1: Purposeful Business Movements
September 2020

Day 2: Finance, Accounting and Investment
September 2020

Day 3: Education and Leadership
September 2020

Case Study: ENEL
September 2020

Case Study: Welsh Water
September 2020

Case Study: Royal Canin
September 2020

Case Study: The Motley Fool
September 2020

MBA Students Oxford Union Debate
September 2020


Oxford Economics of Mutuality Forum 2019

Welcome and Programe Overview
May 2019

Setting the Context
May 2019

Forces Shaping Global Business
May 2019

Introduction to EoM
May 2019

The Power of Purpose in Business
May 2019

Finance and Purpose in Business
May 2019

Oxford Union Debate
May 2019

Putting Purpose into Practice
May 2019

Final Thoughts
May 2019

Economics of Mutuality Mars Talks 2018

Jane Craig: ‘Mars Talks’ Series About Unlearning as a Leader
November 2018

Bruno Roche: ‘Mars Talks’ Series About Achieving Purpose
November 2018

Alastair Colin-Jones: ‘Mars Talks’ Series About Occupying Your Bridge
November 2018

Oxford Economics of Mutuality Forum 2018

Welcome and Introduction
May 2018

Mutual Profit vs. Financial Profit
May 2018

Natural Capital, Business and Society; and Main Teachings
May 2018

The Future of Work, Automation and Demography
May 2018

Supply Chain Mutuality With Blockchain
May 2018

New Ways of Thinking About Profit
May 2018

Building Farmers’ Trust Through Blockchain
May 2018

MBA Students' Reflections and Main Teachings
May 2018

Day 2 Introduction and Transforming Premium Businesses
May 2018

Tomorrow’s Business Graveyards
May 2018

Transforming Business for the Common Good
May 2018

Oxford Union Debate and Main Teachings
May 2018