Knowledge Hub News
Jay Jakub, Chief of Staff for the Economics of Mutuality platform and Director of the EoM Foundation, will be speaking at two conferences organized by the Conscious Capitalism movement in Barcelona, Spain in June. Both events will…
We are pleased to announce that the Chinese edition of Putting Purpose Into Practice: the Economics of Mutuality, first published in English by Oxford University Press in 2021, will be serialized by China Family Business Review…
The Economics of Mutuality team is pleased to congratulate The Motley Fool Foundation on the occasion of its one year anniversary this April 1st. On a mission to create pathways to financial freedom for those living paycheck to…
On January 12, 2023, Singapore’s National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre (NVPC) – the philanthropic arm of Singapore’s government - publicly released its “Framework and Blueprint for Corporate Purpose” to help…
The 21st century has witnessed a multitude of crises that have become systemic – economic, political, war and pandemic-related, and now looming famine. These crises pose escalating challenges for society and nature…
Two Economics of Mutuality initiatives, which have been outlined below, were recongized by the For Good Awards on November 30th 2022 at the annual China Social Enterprises and Impact Investing Forum, which attracted 7.6…
Jay Jakub, Chief Advocacy Officer of the Economics of Mutuality (EoM) movement, and Gavin Long, Co-Founder and Partner of The Acacia Group, shared a keynote slot at the annual Conscious Capitalism CEO Summit in Texas this…
With China set to become the world’s largest economy by the end of this decade, there is an opportunity (and even a duty perhaps) for its economy to leapfrog the outdated neoliberal profit-maximization doctrine birthed in the west…
Today, as we face a growing scarcity of natural resources, increasing inequality, and political polarization, the world has called out for purpose-driven leaders to redefine what success means, to alleviate our planet’s suffering, and…
Management education of existing and future business leaders is a powerful key to trigger a shift to the new economic paradigm that we advocate for through the Economics of Mutuality platform. Below, you can watch a…
The concept of purpose-driven management is not unusual in Japan, the world’s third largest economy, where many companies adhere to ‘sanpō yoshi’, which directly translates as ‘three-way satisfaction’. The objective of this…
As we witness a war that evokes a time since past; as we see humanitarian rights being trampled; as we see the intense suffering of the Ukrainian people; as we see the world profoundly disrupted and on the brink of despair…
Bruno Roche, Economics of Mutuality Founder and Executive Director, gave a keynote address at the China Social Enterprise and Impact Investment Forum 2021 at the start of this month. The theme of the virtual gathering…
The Economics of Mutuality team was invited to lead a session at the 2021 Building Bridges Week this November on the topic ‘Finance for Prosperities’. The week of events in Geneva was designed to advance important…
The Center for the Economics of Mutuality organized a Forum at Erasmus University Rotterdam in November to explore the theme ‘A Call for Courageous Leadership: Transforming Business Performance for People, Planet and…
You are warmly invited to the sixth annual Economics of Mutuality Forum presented by Oxford University’s Saïd Business School and the Economics of Mutuality between 30th November and 2nd December 2021. This year’s…
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Purpose Scanner in early 2022 — a fully digital solution driven by the Economics of Mutuality that equips your organization to measure and mobilize purpose. In recent months, we have…
Unprecedented times call for unprecedented leadership, strategies, and business models. The program is a unique, all-in, fully online opportunity that will equip you to handle the duty and the opportunity to reposition the corporation…
Bruno Roche, EoM Founder & Executive Director, has joined the S&P Global Sustainable Finance Scientific Council, which fosters an exchange of ideas between diverse stakeholders to help the global capital markets transition…
A podcast featuring Jay Jakub, Economics of Mutuality Chief Advocacy Officer, has been released by Dentons, the world's largest law firm, which represents over 1,500 family offices across the globe. The host is Edward Marshall…
We are delighted to announce the publication of Putting Purpose into Practice: The Economics of Mutuality and an accompanying webinar series featuring leading speakers in the purposeful business space. The book, published by…
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Bureau for Africa recently hosted a research webinar on the Economics of Mutuality for its network of economists. 76 people from 46 UNDP Africa country offices attended.
Jay Jakub, Economics of Mutuality Chief Advocacy Officer, was recently interview by Bruce Bolger, President of the Enterprise Engagement Alliance, a curriculum development, auditing, consulting, and outreach business focused…
How do we live out our corporate values with integrity? It’s something that is easy to say, but not as easy to do. Too often, corporate values become either a shield against justified criticism or merely some meaningless statements…
Bruno Roche, Economics of Mutuality Founder & Executive Director, recently presented the Economics of Mutuality in a webinar at the The John D. Gerhart Center for Philanthropy, Civic Engagement and Responsible Business, which…
DBS recently published a story entitled ‘Finding Profitable Solutions to Problems of People & Planet’ based on a panel discussion at the DBS Asian Insights Conference 2020 with Jay Jakub, Chief Advocacy Officer for the EoM…
Bruno Roche, Founder & Executive Director at the Economics of Mutuality, has contributed to an important report on the future of capitalism and the role of the European Union to shape it. Responsible Capitalism: An Opportunity…
Bruno Roche, EoM Founder & Executive Director, took part in a webinar hosted by Vanina Farber, Professor for Social Innovation at the Institute for Management Development (IMD), a leading business school based in Lausanne…
10 Things You Should Know about Stakeholder Capitalism is a new narrative style podcast mini-series from the Institute for Corporate Transformation hosted by Amanda Kathryn Roman and Nathan Havey. Episode 1 features…
Maua, a Mars Wrigley program in Kenya powered by the Economics of Mutuality (EoM), celebrated its 10th anniversary in May. The pioneering initiative, which translates as “Blossom” in Swahili, unleashes the benefits…