Meet Our Team


Gavin Long
Executive Director,
Economics of Mutuality;
Co-founder and Partner,
Acacia Group
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Jay Jakub
Chief of Staff,
Economics of Mutuality; 
Executive Director,
EoM Foundation
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Nadia Terfous
Managing Director,
EoM Solutions
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Cyril Hetzel
Chief Financial Officer;
Chief Administrative Officer
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Bojan Angelov
Senior Fellow, Culture & Organization Expert
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Tanguy Biart
Senior Fellow, Solution Lead
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Lynda Chen
Senior Fellow, Advocacy,
Asia Pacific 
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Jo Choi
Fellow, Maua Projects
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Alastair Colin-Jones
Project Lead, Applied Research
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Francesco Cordaro
Senior Expert, Data Analytics
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Chenyue Du-Xu
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Yassine El Ouarzazi
Principal, Capabilities & Innovation
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Yass El Ouazzani
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Steven Garber
Senior Fellow, Vocation
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Nick Gulliver
Director of Strategic Communications
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Amanda K. Pascale
Oxford Executive Education Principal Program Director and Oxford Forum Producer
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Lucie Keller
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François Laurent
Senior Fellow, Performance Measurement
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Pascal Riederer
Senior Associate
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Bruno Roche
Senior Fellow; EoM Founder
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Siamack Salari
Senior Fellow, Qualitative Research Expert
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Tereza Valentova
Senior Fellow, Project Lead
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EoM Foundation

EoM Foundation is a public interest foundation that advances the Economics of Mutuality through business research, education, and advocacy. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and owns EoM Solutions as a subsidiary. Learn more →

EoM Foundation Board


Stephen Badger
Chairman of the Board:
Former Chairman of the Board, Mars, Inc.
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Ann Florini
Fellow, New America; Prof. of Practice, Thunderbird ASU; Former Prof., National University of Singapore, Singapore Management University; Former Senior Fellow, Brookings
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Andy Pharoah
Vice President, Corporate Affairs & Sustainability, Mars, Inc.
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EoM Solutions

EoM Solutions is a strategic management consultancy that deploys the Economics of Mutuality to transform business models through proprietary capabilities, tools, and leadership development. It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland and is owned by EoM Foundation as a subsidiary. Learn more →

EoM Solutions Board

Angela Mangiapane
Chairman of the Board:
President, Mars Global Services, Mars, Inc.
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Gavin Long
Executive Director,
Economics of Mutuality;
Co-founder and Partner,
Acacia Group
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EoM Senior Advisors

Paul Polman
Former CEO, Unilever;
Chair, Oxford University’s
Saïd Business School
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Isabelle Kocher de Leyritz
Chairman and CEO, Blunomy; Former CEO, ENGIE group
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Hubert Joly
Former CEO, Best Buy;
Harvard Business School
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Martin Radvan
Former CEO, Mars Wrigley
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